Full-stack web developer
Welcome to my website

🖖! I'm Elio. I started my development career as an iOS developer from there I gathered the tools to become a full stack developer. Even though I know other technologies, I specialize in the Laravel PHP framework on the backend, Vue.js on the frontend, Tailwind CSS for styling and for mobile applications I use Flutter.


Here are some projects I've worked on:

  • FazilCrypto
    I made the backend and mobile app for this company. You can see it here.
  • Gacela Delivery
    A food order tracking system, we as a company had a pool of drivers that were offered to our affilliate companies.
  • Suscrip Marketplace
    Suscrip was an app that helps you divide any kind of expenses. Also you got a service like Netflix, HBO or Disney and you want the monthly costs to go down the use our solution.
  • Passe
    Whenever you go to a gated community don't you hate to wait in a line and on top of that to hope that somebody is on the house even tough our are only going to leave a package? Then passe helps your gated community to be more agile and safe. Here is an article explaining more in detail de the app.
  • The Council App
    An event management system, in which the affilliates of the company could go and search for other affilliates information, next events, presentations from past events, rate an event and more.
  • Invoice Generator
    Ecuador's regulation enforce all gas stations to have electronic invoices. We developed a platform that apart from generating these invoices, they could have clients in pre paid mode and post paid.
  • BPO
    I made the website for this company. You can see it here.
  • Grupra
    I made the website for this company. You can see it here.
  • Inmotrust
    I made the website for this company. You can see it here.
  • Linkedin Site
    If you still prefer a somewhat traditional resume, click here.

Get to know me:

👻! This is me, pleasure to meet you.
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